Mark Hamil (Luke Skayvolker) After Star Wars leaned on the Broadway play music to get rid of the image of the saviour of the universe, which is hampered his career actor. But in the movie, as an actor, not made. He earns now lives in Rez films and doors. Based on those little disorientates.
Alec Guinness (Obi-Van Kenobi) Do Star Wars was already a successful actor. Written memoirs, and died in 2000 at 86 years from liver cancer.
Anthony Daniels (C3P0) After filming started publishing comics. Called Star Wars Episode I.
Billy Dee Williams (Lando) The film is not particularly reached, the survey lurches into second-class comedy.
Carrie Fisher (Princess Lia) The film is not a successful actress, which had begun drugs. Drastically changed their lives after tying the drug became a famous writer in her account several very successful novels.
David Prowse (the body Veydera) Former otlet- bodibilder played only Veydera body, and announced it to another person, that David is not fun. In 1990, due to arthritis and heart problems, he kept both hands. He is now President of the Association of Persons with Disabilities and is actively involved in fund Bor with arthritis.
Frank Oz (voice of Yoda)
Harrison Ford (Han Solo) Pro a long talk no sense, it was a successful actor, to this day was in movies may soon go away in the continuation of Indiana Jones.
James Earle Jones (voice Veydera) A voice Veydera after ZV continued continue to Rez films and doors, such as "The Lion King".
Kenny Baker (R2-D2) The fact that robota-urnu play. Enemies growth of 112 centimeters. After the movie, he continued to work as a circus clown, a DJ worked. Once embarked musical comedy. The last time the press referred to it in 2005, when he was arrested for driving drunk.
Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin) After shooting the movie quietly and heal razmereno, gave himself almost entirely a hobby-monitoring birds. But he contributed to the world in 1989 was the British official, much for international relations in England. He died in 1994 at the age of 81 years from prostate cancer.
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) Not long after the film portrayed pilose substance, such as MTV ceremony.Now living in Texas, zamorachivaetsya Science Fiction.
via abcnews
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